Artsy Monday #5

Artsy Monday 5 is here.  Here comes a new pict-challeng-ure. we go!

This beauty was done in 2000.  I believe it was done in the summer of that year, right before the beginning of college.  It was my first attempt at drawing the next generation of Street Fighter characters.  Unfortunately, the amount of characters to draw from were limited to me at the time, so I was only able to draw these five, representing the two mainstays and the three new blood characters.  I have to give it up to AKIMAN, the original artist.  He really did an awesome job capturing the definition and age on each character, making this one very ambitious and very detailed attempt.  I really dig it.  

Next time, I show you a completed attempt at every character, from an artist not even associated with Capcom.  And, come Labor Day, you'll see what I like to call, my opus and masterpiece.  It would have been my crowning achievement and my drawing retirement piece, but the artist in me refused to stay down, thank goodness.


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