Artsy Monday #4

Artsy Monday time, with a double feature!

This little beauty I drew, from pictures in my Nintendo Power Magazine, for the Street Fighter II game for the Game Boy.  I started drawing this picture a few days after I saw the Street Fighter movie in 1995.  That was the day I got the issue, as well.  Suffice to say, the quality of the picture, physically and artistically can come into the movie itself.  But, I like this picture, and the movie wasn't really the worst thing to cinema, just way off.  I learned a new technique from it: I learned to draw outlines of light, energy, etc. over body parts.  Guile's Sonic Boom and M. Bison's Psycho Crusher were great tools for that.  It is a technique I use to this day, and am glad to know it.

This was on the reverse side of the picture.  I tried to draw the four new challengers, but it wasn't coming out as I had planned.  I finished as far as Thunder Hawk and then I tried Cammy.  It didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, so I stopped there.  This is one of the many pictures you will be seeing in the future that are double sided.  So, keep your eyes peeled for more double features...and turn in next week for more Artsy Monday.


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