Reality is Relative

 What is real to you? How do you define it?

Am I as real to you as you are to me?

Or is it all reversed, sung in verse chorus verse

For better or worse, with the first of your last

Being the last of my first?


Can you feel your real more than I?

Does it make you fly, free as a bird

Even though freedom ain't free as consequence is fact

No one is free of consequence, or recompense

So what is your reality?

Free to be thee, without the maturity

To know that choice and consequence

Cause and effect, yin and yang

Are what make up reality?


I spend every day finding the real

Facetiousness, fancy and fun as it seems

Fades when one grows, spiritually and emotionally

Real makes my fantasies mean more

Makes my dreams truly soar

If I can't be real, I don't want to be free

But I need to be free, as I am human, you see

I'm real and want to be free

Is that real to thee? 

Ask yourself.....not me


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