Insert Coin

Knuckles whitened, hand muscles tightened

On the left, a handle or knob

Loose to the touch, or tight to the grip

Moving you through a world of pure imagination

Eight directions it carries you through, two or three dimensions possibly

On the right, buttons, about 2 to 6

If cared for, they respond to your stimulus of break-neck pressure

Acting as conduits to non-stop action and well-timed responses

256 colors await, pixels upon pixels of pure action and thrills

Coming to life like as if one were absorbed into a pixelated painting

Sound booming from upper speakers, 

Heavy on the bass, light on the auxiliary respite

Blowing out sound systems with iconic phrasing,

"Finish Him!" "Combo Breaker!" "Perfect!" "He's on fire!"

They don't make it like this at home.


What an operation this coin can commence

25 cents and I can shoot a dozen robots

Exterminate a slew of aliens, fight a bunch of bullies

50 cents could guarantee a fight of a lifetime

Climb a ladder of opponents and defeat them, one by one

Take the wheel on a wild ride in Le Mans

Or blasting a bunch of dinosaurs on an island, named Nublar, I believe

Any prices, really, and my ninja skills can be tested with citrus challenges

Dance to the beat of a drummer's revolution

Or even become a drum master from Japan

And I don't even have to leave the States....


What else can these coins do?

What's that on the screen?  "Continue?"


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