Artsy Monday #57

Another Artsy Monday for you, and another outtake:

This is one of the earliest drawings I did pertaining to fighting games.  So, Fatal Fury Special had a game coming out for the SNES and I just had to draw it.  I'd have only seen this before months ago in an EGM magazine for the arcade game.  Since I couldn't borrow it from the library, I got another chance with the Nintendo Power magazine.  So, to the best of my ability, I drew what I saw.  The colors were from my childhood friend, Austin.  

It was a tough drawing for me.  I had to compensate for body parts I didn't see and try to group everyone as best I could.  Also, drawing faces was incredibly challenging for me back then, be it noses, hair, and even eyes.  I don't even want to get into drawing the arms and legs.   Over time, this drawing has seen better days, to be sure.  But, for the first foray into drawing some of the great pieces I've done, it was a start. 

See you next week!


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