Artsy Monday #46

Happy Memorial Day everyone.  Have a wonderful day in remembrance of those who gave their lives for their country and their beliefs in freedom and justice.   That said, here's a little something for ya from the "scribble" files:

This one is an attempt at making a picture based on the cover of Super Mario Kart, among other things.  I had the box of Super Mario kart and I tried to trace over it.  It didn't turn out so well in the middle area.  So, I tried again closer to the top.  I only got to trace Luigi, and everyone else was by my eyesight and handiwork.  I also wanted to draw a picture of the main cast of Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) because of my fondness of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show.  I liked how that came out.  Lastly, the bottom was my second attempt at drawing Apple and Cinnaman.  Apple came out great, but Cinnaman, not so much.  

Tune in next week for another addition from the scribble file and another edition of Artsy Monday.


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