“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” -- George Carlin "You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity ." -- Bullet-tooth Tony, Snatch, 2000 "Never underestimate the stubbornness of the status quo" -- Me, every day of my life. In the year 2000, upon turning 18 years old, I was given the ability to do many things: go to college, be considered an adult by law, drink in a bar, and of course, vote. One of the first college courses I took was a political science introductory course as an elective for an engineering degree. A few things I didn't know was a) my father had a master's degree in the field, and b) that this course was going to be very poignant as it was an election year: the G.W. Bush/Al Gore year. Oh what a year that was. Let's see: we had a debate that focused on so many buzzwords like "lockbox" and "wealthiest 1%", the use of the term "fuzzy math", and the icing on t...