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Relationship Material

Lincoln’s Birthday 2016.  The CopaCabana.  It was a birthday celebration for a friend that I attended via meetup.  For the first time in a little over a year, I felt something I never felt in a long time.  I felt a need to be whole again.  I was ready…ready to take a chance again, as the Manilow song goes.  Maybe it was the dancing, maybe it was the attention I received from the guest of honor.  All I knew was that my heart was ready to open up again.  The gaping wound in my heart was starting to stitch up and scar over.  It was time to meet someone new.   April Fools Day, 2023.  I was 4 months into a 6-month subscription to, arguably, the best dating service/app in the world.  I mean, there were commercials for it, for crying out loud.  I was spending close to 100 dollars a month, on top of a bunch of money on other things, using a subscription that was supposed to be much less than the standard price…which was high in the first place.  And what did I get for my trouble? A short conve

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