Artsy Monday #66 (Wednesday Edition)

It's another edition of Artsy Monday..on a Wednesday.  And here's the entry for today, for number 66:

So, I found this little gem yesterday on my bookshelf, and the first thing that came to mind: POST IT!  Here's a teaser trailer pertaining to another potential comic idea.  The story is called P.A.I.N.  It's about four not-so-lovable losers that would be considered outcasts among other social circles, but are able to stand thick-as-thieves with each other.  In the end, they form a great bond and continue their lives together, as brothers-in-arms.

They get into all kinds of trouble together, specifically with organized crime.  Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Or perhaps, it's the right time?  The right turn their lives around?  Stay tuned.

And stay tuned for a future edition of Artsy Monday.


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