The return

Mental liberation is a tough thing to encounter when you have so much on your plate.  The last time engendered on a little adventure, it was more than a year ago.  A lot has happened between those times, to be sure.  Many life changes have come my way.  Some changes were good, and some were bad.  In the end, it’s all part of life’s experience, life’s journey.  Well, for those who have been following this, I want to thank you for all of your support and patience.  And for all of those who support my endeavors and all that I do, I want to let you know that I believe in you, too. 

It’s time for me to return to what I used to do back when there was a thought about what I liked to do when my mind was running and focused on things that I loved, people that I loved, or whatever it is that I loved.  It’s time for the “prodigy” to make his return.  What are you to expect?  More of the same as before?  A little more introspection this time?  The only way for you to know is to stay tuned.

Let the ride, like the awesomeness, begin.


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